On behalf of our residents, Watterson Park contracts for the following services:
Your City has selected Republic Services to provide garbage, recycling, and yard waste services from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2026. Since our current sanitation contract is with Republic, you shouldn’t notice any difference in the service already being provided.
Click here for the collection calendar for 2025. Garbage is collected every Friday; recycling and composting are collected on alternating Fridays. Please have all items at the curb the night before your scheduled service day. Contact Republic Services at least two days in advance to schedule a bulk item pickup.
To report a problem with your service or for more information, call Republic Services at 502.638.9000.
Watterson Park contracts with LG&E for all street lights on our streets. If you have any questions or concerns about a street light in our City, you can contact LG&E directly via their website or by phone at 502.589.1444.
Watterson Park currently has a franchise agreement with Spectrum to provide CATV service for our city.
Watterson Park currently contracts with County Wide Lawn & Landscaping to plant and maintain trees and shrubs, to mow our rights-of-way, and to take care of our City-owned properties. You can reach County Wide at 502.322.2847.
Watterson Park retains the services of Kentuckiana Law Enforcement (KLE) for off-duty patrol of our City residential streets and businesses. Kentuckiana Law Enforcement specializes in providing security services through the utilization of sworn, off-duty law enforcement officers. These officers are certified by the Commonwealth of Kentucky and are carefully screened to ensure safe, reliable, discreet service. The law enforcement officers utilized by KLE are in both marked and unmarked vehicles, and the patrol schedule varies from day to day. You should continue to call 911 in the event of an emergency, and dispatch will send the closest officer – LMPD or KLE – to your home or business.
The City of Watterson Park is responsible for maintaining all streets within our City boundaries. Working with the engineering firm of Birch, Trautwein and Mimms, we bid paving jobs as the need arises. If you know of a road in our City that needs repairs, don't hesitate to call the City line at 502.458.7613 or Contact Us via this website to make us aware of the needed repairs.
County Wide Lawn & Landscaping provides surface preparation and snow plowing for the City when significant snowfall or ice is forecast. You can help ensure that streets are properly and safely cleared of snow by parking in your driveway when snowfall and/or ice is forecast.
Your City Council has contracted with Louisville Code Enforcement & Mediation to provide code enforcement services for Watterson Park's residences and businesses.
Code Enforcement agencies are a function of many governments and are in place to ensure compliance with ordinance requirements and adopted regulations related to land use, zoning, sign standards, public nuisance, and health and housing codes. Most codes and ordinances apply to every property within the City. Ultimately, the purpose is to ensure that all neighborhoods and properties are maintained, protecting property values and promoting the health, safety, and welfare of the residents.
Code Enforcement staff enforce City Ordinances and Code Standards at all properties within your city. Code Enforcement has many methods of initiating contact. The standard enforcement tool is the “Notice of Violation.” This is a printed or hand-written hard copy document that lists general common violations and detailed required corrective actions to resolve the complaint. The Code Inspector may add more detailed descriptions of the violation, or describe other violations not listed on the form. In most cases, Code Inspectors will try to make contact with occupants by knocking on the door or ringing the doorbell. If there is no answer at the door, the notice is left at the front door. The same notice may also be mailed to the property in question or to the address on file with the Jefferson County PVA.
Once a violation has been observed, it is the intent of Louisville Code Enforcement & Mediation to have the resident/property owner come into voluntary compliance. To accomplish this, the resident is normally given 7 to 21 days to take whatever action is requested to correct the problem. On the scheduled compliance date, a follow-up inspection is conducted. If the violation is still on the property, additional informal and/or formal steps may be used to gain compliance. For instance, an attempt to contact the responsible party may be made in person or via telephone, and a “Sorry I Missed You” note or business card may be left at the front door asking the resident to call the Inspector. It is also possible that a civil court process may be initiated.
For common violations on rental properties, Code Enforcement will typically try to gain voluntary compliance from either the resident of the property or the property owner. In the event the resident does not voluntarily comply, the Code Inspector will notify the owner of the property as recorded with the county assessor’s office. A formal Notice to Comply will be issued to the property owner.
There are times when voluntary compliance is not achieved. When informal and formal efforts fail to get compliance, the Code Inspector will initiate an appropriate progressive enforcement step. Depending on the violation, this might include issuing a civil citation requiring the responsible party’s appearance in Municipal Court, an administrative or Court Abatement request, or a request sent to the prosecutor for a criminal complaint.
Legal action can be started in several ways. The common method of legal action is a citation issued to the responsible party.
Ultimately, the registered owner of the property is responsible for maintaining the property in compliance. However, legal actions can be taken against any responsible party, including property owners, occupants, and property management representatives.