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Legislative Meetings

The City of Watterson Park City Council meets on the second Monday of every month at 7 p.m. on the second floor of the Jefferson County Farm Bureau, 4200 Gardiner View Avenue. The meeting agenda is published on this website approximately one week prior to each meeting. During each Council meeting, the City Clerk takes detailed notes regarding the proceedings surrounding each agenda item. These notes are reviewed and adopted into record in subsequent meetings.

Special meetings are convened to discuss and vote on one or more specific issues. For example, a special meeting may be held to take action on a controversial rezoning request. Special meetings may also be called during an emergency.

Public hearings allow citizens to express opinions on matters of public concern. No official action is taken during a public hearing. Some hearings are required by law, but they may also be used by the Council for other matters. Public hearings may be held as a part of a regular or special meeting, or they may be entirely separate meetings.

Both special meetings and public hearings will be announced on this website. In addition, a notice will be physically posted at the location of the special meeting or hearing.

The City of Watterson Park values your opinions and invites you to address the City Council on any matter of City business. Residents and business owners are invited to attend any scheduled meeting. Persons who wish to address the Council or present matters for Council’s consideration may do so by contacting us no less than three weeks prior to the scheduled meeting.

You can find copies of approved minutes from our legislative and special meetings below.















What's going on...

March 10, 2025...
Legislative Meeting
7 p.m.
Jefferson County Farm Bureau
4200 Gardiner View Ave.

Agenda for meeting


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