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cRIME Prevention


CrimeMapping.com is a free service developed by CentralSquare Technologies to help law enforcement agencies throughout North America provide the public with valuable information about recent crime activity in their neighborhoods. CrimeMapping extracts data from the existing records systems at participating law enforcement agencies through an automated import process. You can sign up at CrimeMapping.com for personalized alerts that track crime and/or sex offender movement in any areas of interest. You will receive an email when new activity occurs.


A Message from the Mayor...

Your City Council and I would like to take this opportunity to give you some tips on how to better protect yourself and your property.

First, if your car or garage isn’t locked, it isn’t a break-in…it’s a crime of opportunity. On numerous occasions, we have distributed flyers about steps property owners can take to make their property more secure. Crime prevention tips and links to resources are posted on our City website. We have requested more police visibility through Louisville Metro Police, and we have contracted for additional police patrol through Kentuckiana Law Enforcement. There isn’t much more we can do. The rest is up to you.

• Lights and locks discourage thieves.
• If your car is outside, lock it, and don’t leave anything valuable in it.
• Even if your car is in the garage, lock it and lock your garage door as well.
• Invest in a motion-sensing light or dusk-to-dawn light.
• If you have gate access to your backyard, put a lock on the gate.
• If you are working in your yard, lock your doors and have a key handy.
• Keep your overhead garage door closed during the day. A large percentage of thieves will “case” your home prior to burglarizing it.
• Install a camera. Louisville Metro Police can use footage captured on video to help catch an intruder.
• A barking dog can be the best alarm. Convicted burglars who have been surveyed admitted that a barking dog will deter them from breaking into a home. Police and K-9 services experts agree.
• Talk to your neighbors and look out for each other.
• If you see someone whom you don’t recognize walking through your neighborhood, monitor his or her movements.

It is up to you to protect your property. By keeping things locked, you can discourage thieves from coming around. If you see suspicious activity, call Police Dispatch at 574-2111 or 574-7111. Tell them you are in the 6th Division, Beat 3, and ask them to send an officer out.

If you witness a crime in progress, always CALL 911.

LIGHTS ON AND LOCK UP! We can’t say that enough.

Best wishes for a safe and healthy summer!

Linda Chesser, Mayor

Keeping Our City SAFE!

You may have noticed a more pronounced presence of law enforcement personnel on our City streets during the past few weeks. After months of careful research, Watterson Park retained the services of Kentuckiana Law Enforcement (KLE) for off-duty patrol of our City residential streets and businesses. These officers will enhance – not replace – the services currently being provided by the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD), offering additional security to deter criminal activities.

Kentuckiana Law Enforcement specializes in providing security services through the utilization of sworn, off-duty law enforcement officers. These officers are certified by the Commonwealth of Kentucky and are carefully screened to ensure safe, reliable, discreet service.

The law enforcement officers utilized by KLE will be in both marked and unmarked vehicles, and the patrol schedule will vary from day to day. You will continue to call 911 in the event of an emergency, and dispatch will send the closest officer – LMPD or KLE – to your home or business.

~ Linda Chesser, Mayor

Crime Prevention Tips

Please check out these crime prevention tips provided by the Sixth Division Police for both auto and home. Visit their website for a list of Division personnel, for interactive crime mapping, to subscribe to crime notifications by division or beat, and for Neighborhood Watch information, among other things.

Below is contact information for the Sixth Division Police:
Emergency: 911
• Non-emergency – To request a police officer to respond: 574-2111
• Sixth Division general information: 574-2187
• Fax: 968-4896
• Tip Line: 574-LMPD
• Email: 6thdivision@louisvilleky.gov
• Address: 5600 Shepherdsville Road, Park Jefferson Center, Entrance #2, Louisville, KY 40228

To view the tips for automobile safety in Spanish, please click here.

Safety Tips

Some safety tips from the Sixth Division Police Citizens Advisory Board Meeting:

• Be careful — phone and email scams are becoming a real problem. Never give out personal information on the phone or by email. If you don't know who the sent the email, just delete it.

• Also, it's that time of year when you are outside cutting the grass, etc. Always lock your doors and keep a key with you. While you are working in the yard, someone could enter through a door that is not in your sight.

Crime Prevention Tips

Crime in our City is on the rise and can be attributed in part to the rising opioid epidemic. Check out these Crime Prevention Tips supplied by LMPD.

Home Security Survey

Take this Home Security Survey supplied by LMPD to determine how safe your home is. You should be answering Yes to all questions on the survey.

Recent Car Break-Ins

Preventive measures you take as a homeowner can keep you from being a victim.

Homeowner's Safety Tips 2016

Vehicle Safety Tips

These tips have been supplied by the LMPD Sixth Division.

baby brightside 2015

Home Burglary Prevention Tips

These tips have been supplied by the LMPD Sixth Division.

baby brightside 2015

Louisville Metro Police Department Sixth Division

The following is contact information for the LMPD Sixth Division:
Emergency: 911
• Non-emergency – To request a police officer to respond: 574-2111
• Sixth Division General Information: 574-2187
• Fax: 968-4896
• Tip Line: 574-LMPD
• Email: 6thdivision@louisvilleky.gov
• Address: 5600 Shepherdsville Road, Park Jefferson Center, Entrance #2, Louisville, KY 40228
• Website: Metro Louisville 6th Division

To go to the Louisville Metro Police Department's MAIN website, please click here.


What's going on...

February 10, 2025...
Legislative Meeting
7 p.m.
Jefferson County Farm Bureau
4200 Gardiner View Ave.

Agenda for meeting


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